Review Lamy Blue-Black Ink

Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

€9.90 for 50 mL bought at 24Papershop

Note: For full details of my ink review methods, click here.

First Impressions

Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

I chose this ink as a non-offensive, safe-for-work, serious ink. I find the colour a little washed out, but it does have some impressive shading, especially if I’m printing.


Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

This ink is delivered in a nice glass bottle with a plastic cap. There is a handy roll of blotting paper integrated within the base of the bottle. The bottle has a low, broad, cylindrical shape, which makes it nearly impossible to knock over.


This ink flows smoothly and doesn’t clog. It pools ever so slightly where I lift my pen but stays within the lines of the letter.

Dry time

Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

15 seconds


Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

When wet, the ink appears as a dark, deep blue. As it dries, it takes on a more of a grey tone, reminding me of well-worn denim jeans. It’s a little bit washed out in some areas in the letters, but not enough to affect readability.


This ink shows blue tones and also a greenish-yellow, which contributes to the black colour.

Shading, saturation & sheening

Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

This ink has nice shading. Even after three swipes with a cotton swab, you can still see some variation in the saturation.



Please don’t try these solvent tests. Some of these chemicals can be dangerous, alone and/or when mixed

Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

Water: Minimally resistant: lines remain visible but washed-out

Isopropanol: Nearly resistant: only very slight blurring of the lines occurred

Hydrogen peroxide: Not resistant: lines are fully blurred

Ammonia (Window Cleaner): Not resistant: lines are severely blurred and colour is lost

Bleach: Not resistant: colour is completely lost


Lamy Blue-Black Ink Test

Erasing had no effect on this ink.


Mild and inoffensive.

Final Thoughts

This ink is a good everyday ink for work or home. It has just enough shading to be interesting but remains professional and functional. The isopropanol resistance is handy for anyone working in a laboratory where alcohols are used as disinfectants — you won’t end up erasing your notes.

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